Wednesday 18 December 2013

Exploring Cootamundra

Well, we’re still in Cootamundra as the parts needed for my bike are coming from Brisbane and won't be here until tomorrow. Hopefully. So that meant a day off the bikes looking around and chilling in the cold snap - only 35c degrees today instead of 39c.

The people here are really nice, particularly in the motel. 
I spoke to the lady this morning and told her about the bike breaking down and that we might need to stay again tonight, but in any case, could we please delay our checkout until midday? And we would of course pay. But not only did she agree to all of that but also waived the extra cash for overstaying the 10.00am deadline. What a nice lady.

So after a brief walk around, the first thing we did today was check out the Cootamundra Heritage Centre, a little place run on a shoestring where they’ve collected bits and pieces from Cootamundra life over the years, and displayed it in the old gaol building. It’s right by the railway line and there used to be a barracks for rail workers there. 

There was all sorts in there, including a model diary thing that a local man had made in the 1950s, depicting various events in Cootamundra life.

Things like the biggest kangaroo ever killed. Imagine that jumping over your back fence.

Various weather extremes. I think 119ºF equates to 45ºC.

And one offs.

Donald Bradman, the cricketer was born in Cootamundra, although he grew up in Bowral, a bit further west and nearer Sydney. 

Granny Scholtz, a woman from Northern Ireland delivered him in a little cottage that she ran as a hospital.

There is also a Cricket Captain Walk, where sculptures of Australian cricket captains are displayed. I wasn’t very pleased about paying that a visit after the recent Ashes debacle, but I went anyway, just to see what it was about and so I never have to go there again. And it was free. Not that I would have paid to see the enemy of course.

For a small town, there are a surprising number of eateries in Coota’, with some interesting menu choices. 

And my favourite. Pissoles. Yum

But highlight of the day was meeting Dave Collins, an aboriginal artist who had just opened a gallery showcasing his stuff. What a nice bloke, and his gallery was really cool, with some great work. I hope he does very well. It's a shame we’re on motorcycles and have no homes because this is the sort of stuff I would have in my place, no worries. (He's on the right.)

Check him out at

After a bit of grocery shopping, we wandered back ‘home’ and jumped in the pool. So nice.

BTW, I have developed a new skill - chatting to the birds by mimicing their calls. I started with galahs and then wattle birds because they are easy, and they chat back if you imitate them. 

It's great, and people wonder what's going on but wallowing in the jacuzzi tonight, I had a really good convo with the local Wattle bird gang. I might have a bit of an accent but I’m getting better and they certainly appreciate the effort.

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