Friday 21 February 2014

Oh dear

Things have changed of late, and not for the better. Following Gordon's crash, it became very difficult to continue as we had planned and various differing needs emerged.

As a result, Gordon has returned to the Uk for a while, I have stayed put. I intend continuing travelling westwards as planned on my postie, but not before I have taken the ute to Nadine in Sydney.

So no blog for a while. I need to adjust and sort myself out. It's quite a peculiar feeling to be on the otherside of the world not knowing anybody. So from now on, everyday means new people and new faces, nothing familiar,  but that's ok. I'm good at talking to people and finding my way so I'll just get on with it and see how it goes. I might even get the blog up and running sooner than I think!

Please keep an eye out for updates. There will be some, just not sure when. 



  1. I've been following your blogs for sometime now and am dismayed that events have led to your current circumstances, I do hope they are resolved sooner than later and that this adventure/journey you have been undertaking will continue.
    For my part I have to settle for reading about what you have been doing and have been so inspired by you I even bought a chinese scooter identical to yours from yeovil and hope todo some travelling of my own soon.
    You come across as a woman with alot of spirit/fearlessness and determination and I do hope any problems are resolved and you continue onwards soon.
    Best wishes

  2. All the best motorcycle travellers do it alone. Good luck!
