Wednesday 28 May 2014

more dramas.....

Well I was going to leave point Samson yesterday and travel up to Port hedland, but the sprockets had not arrived, meaning I would be delayed until later in the day. But anyway, the previous evening, I met some lovely people who invited me to stay with them last night - Alex, and Mendy and Raymar, although I'm not sure how they fit together. But they are all very cool, and I spent a good evening just chilling with Alex ( his house) and Mendy.

But the day was somewhat trying as is now usual for me. I was up and out early, everything packed and my stuff dropped off at Alex's house by about 0720am. That meant I could ride to Karratha unloaded. So off I go and had been on the road for about 30 minutes when a road train very nearly took me out. He came up really close behind me, and was pushing to overtake but there was nowhere for him to pass. So he waited for a hill to appear ( we were going up it) with solid whites and a van coming the other way, and pulled out. Then he cut in very tightly, the second trailer brushing my arm. I was actually in the process of pushing up on the pegs to jump off Gerty and roll onto the gravel verge when the back of him got by. It was very close. But as he carried on, he was all over the place - on the verge, veering into the oncoming lane, and swinging about. High or pissed.

So after that adrenalin kick, I got to the sprocket shop to discover that my sprockets - ordered last Wednesday and which I was promised would be there by Tuesday at the very latest, had still not arrived. Apparently they had been loaded onto the plane yesterday but then removed by the freight company. But NW Honda had not thought to phone me and tell me but after profuse apologies, two cups of coffee, and a two hour wait, they sorted something out and I was on my way. The lady in the shop  also kindly found  me contact numbers for suppliers in Broome and a Kununarra.

My phone had given up the ghost by this morning and the lady in the Honda place told me about a phone fixer in town, so I headed there next. Unfortunately, I was chased and bitten by a dog on the way. Bloody thing. Must have thought I was the real postie and he nipped the back of my left calf, but only just got me. Didn't rip my riding pants though, so that was good.

I found the phone man, paid him $65.00 and he changed the battery. It didn't work first time though but he refixed it and now it seems to be doing what it is supposed to do. I managed to buy some oil and do an oil change in the time I was hanging around, so again, that worked out well.

No pictures today - no phone to take them on and too busy avoiding further fiascos!

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