So today then, and the Principality of Hutt River, and what an excellent day it turned out to be.
I actually woke up very early as I was dreaming that a kangaroo was trying to start my bike but fortunately, it was a false alarm. But what it did mean though was that I was up before the sunrise, and able to watch from the comparative luxury of my tent as the long shadows already reaching over the dewy grass receded towards the hedge as the pale light grew stronger and a bright orange fireball burst over the horizon.
It always surprises me just how quickly sunlight appears and disappears over here in WA. One minute its light, the next dark, and in the morning, the reverse; pale cool light then bam, full on sunlight, and time to get up.
These paintings were commissioned by Prince Leonard a few years ago, and painted by a British born Aussie artist called Frank Pash. Apart from being stonkingly good, they are exceptionally detailed.
Apparently one of Frank’s things was to sketch real people and use their faces in the characters in his work. So in the Nain chapel paintings are various people who either work in HRP or have done so, including Ray the chippy, a TV news crew, one of whom was later kidnapped and shot in East Timor, Prince Richard, and the artist himself. When Princess Shirley died last year, the chapel was rededicated to her, and there is now a memorial outside its main door.
Ray the chippy in red |
frank the artist on right |
One of my favourite discoveries of the day though was the HRP communications and GPS Centre - an old Hills hoist washing line to the side of a shed. Its the only place in the principality that a phone signal or GPS can be picked up - if you stand under it. Even princes have too follow the protocol.
It is an incredible story, but then I met Prince Leonard, I began to understand why.
Now 88, nearly 89, this is a man with a very sharp and intuitive mind, and sparkey intellect. But he is also very ordinary ( in the nicest way), having left school at 14 with no particular qualifications or pretentions, to work in Fremantle as a shipping clerk. He decided to learn all he could about it, so he did, and became an expert. Then he met Shirley Butler, a secretary from Perth, married her, and they eventually had seven children.
I had intended stopping at Billabong Roadhouse, recommended by Russ but realised that it was late, so I stopped short, just up the road at Galena Bridge. An official 24 hour freecamp, with room for many rigs, and plenty of firewood. So I built my fire, set up camp, made some coffee and am now watching the sun - the same sun I saw burst into life this morning - drop down behind the horizon. It doesn’t get much better than this.
sounds exciting (: