Sunday 6 April 2014

A swim in the Ocean

Bloody hell - how  sore am I from that physio thing yesterday! Thumbs in my spine, acupuncture and a bit of crunching, then riding Gerty. But hopefully it will sort things out and it will get better over the next day or so. 

So I stayed in all morning and caught up on some admin stuff and swallowed a few painkillers. Even better, the crowd of ‘gap yar twits’ left this morning, taking their silliness elsewhere. But I might go for a ride soon, but just down to a local lagoon which is  apparently shark proof. Not convinced, but I will have a look as I can’t not go in the water, can I?


Well I did it! Rode to Yallingup, found the bay with the reef and went for a swim! 

Actually, it was only a dip because there was a strong wind pushing  the water outwards and that made it hard to stay off the rocks. 

But it was lovely. Clear pristine water, breaking waves and no bitey things.

This was the only sea monster....

But of course, I had no towel and no dry kit, so when I got out,  it was a chilly ten minutes or so drying off in the wind, but it was worth it.

Tomorrow I plan to head south again, down to Augusta and Cape Leeuwin where the Southern ocean meets the Indian. It’s not too far either, maybe 100kms.

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