Sunday 13 April 2014

Stayed put today

Blimey I was sore this morning after that physio session yesterday. So rather than move on, I decided to stay here for another day and recover. As a consequence, I haven’t done very much ( again) other than walk on the beach this morning, tickle the cat’s ears, top up Gerty’s oil, then ride to Yallingup, where I sat on the beach and socialised with the fish again.

I’m quite liking the fish thing now and with the exception of the obvious few, don’t mind them in their own environment. There was a shoal of small fish - whitebait I think - swimming around me again, and some bigger ones later on. They just hang there in the water, riding the current and taking it easy. I so could have done with a camera though as there were quite a few old wives and a gang of garfish, plus abalone shells and those big long ones that look like Mr Whippy cones. I’m going to have to get a pair of flippers and a snorkel, but if I do that, I’ll have to replace the camera because under the waves is just too good to miss.

The surf was a bit tasty too, so I had a free show. And they were much better than that lot from last week who couldn’t stand up on any waves.

There were a couple of dogs on the beach, but one in particular who was having a great time chasing a string of plastic sausages. He was quite a fast swimmer too.

The hostel has been quite empty in the past few days, except for two Japanese wannabes who insist on strumming bloody Coombaiya,( or however you spell it) and worse still, Beatles songs. Stop it. It’s very annoying and you’re dreadful. Bugger off down to the beach and play it there if you really must.

But what is it with backpackers and guitars? Why? What’s wrong with a trombone or a didgeridoo or something interesting instead of a poncy guitar? And why would you want to carry one around anyway, especially if you cant play it? It seems to be a must have item for some of them. That and pot noodles for dinner.

And I discovered this morning that one of the older blokes who lives here is actually from Sutton, south London (like me) and lives across the road from one of my friends! Small world. He spends the UK winter here and goes back to London for the summer there. He came to Dunsborough for a wedding 12 years ago, liked it and so has done the yearly commute ever since. Good on him.

I really am leaving tomorrow, and am heading up to Yalgorup National Park. Gerty is due another oil change and a bit of baring greasing, plus a chain tweak. I adjusted her back brake today, something which I’d been meaning to do all week but kept forgetting about until I actually braked. The tail light bulb has blown too, so that’s also on the list. But considering how much I ride her, she is very low maintenance. Good old Gert.

1 comment:

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