Tuesday 29 October 2013


Spent all morning fiddling with the bikes, trying to work out where to put what. Jacqui has done a great job getting them specked up but the stashing of personal kit and getting things as you want them is always the hardest bit. Got exasperated after a while so will have to finish it tomorrow.

It's chilly here at the moment. The day started well but then the wind came up, the temp dropped, and it turned into Britain. And there was me thinking I was done with the cold. Apparently not. So glad I have a good sleeping bag, bivi bag, silk liner combo.

We had another poke around Goulburn this afternoon. It's a bit of a sleepy little place now it's been bypassed by the Hume Highway, but was obviously quite a nice town, with some very nice old single storey wooden houses with verandas. Will get some pics tomorrow. It's also home to a gaol, the police academy and a giant model merino sheep. Such style.

In bed now but can't sleep as my finger is throbbing away and giving me gip. I sliced it open with my leatherman earlier this evening. Not the best use of it but at least I can vouch for its sharpness; it's a deep cut alright.

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