Wednesday 30 October 2013

it went tits up today

It started OK. Lovely sunny morning, and even the goats and alpacas were on top form, even if they did give me some odd looks. Maybe even they are told not to accept goodies from a stranger.

So we all got up early to go riding.....but Nadine's bike wouldn't start. after much tinkering and swearing,  and it still not starting, we suspected an electrical fault and had to admit defeat as we had anyway (nor suitable tools) of testing anything electrical.

So we took Jacqui's bike, but only managed to get about 2 km down the road before all of the bikes conked out and we had to get the mechanic who had fixed them, to come out.Turned out the chokes were set up wrong and he fixed them but Nadine's bike was indeed an electrical fault and had to be taken off to be fixed. That should be back in the morning, which is just as well as we are leaving for The Snowy Mountains late morning anyway.

But we did get a ride in later - 15 kms down the road to Marulan, where we met some local farm blokes.

" Blimey, I got chain saws bigger than those engines"

" Yeah but you couldn't ride your chain saws round Oz could you?"

" No, fair enough"

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