Thursday 20 March 2014

To Streaky Bay

It's funny the things that happen when you're travelling. I started my day eating eggs and beans on toast and drinking coffee in one of the caravans if the blokes I met last night, then ended it eating stirfry and drinking red wine in an RV 300 kms away, with Jim and Joan from Brisbane. How lucky am I! Very I'd say, very nice people all of them.

I headed north up the other side of the peninsula today and it got warmer as I did so. So warm that I had to ride with my visor open, and immediately got stung on the head by by a big wasp thing, which really hurt. Ridiculous how such a small thing can cause do much pain. My eye is a bit swollen this morning as a result so I guess I'll have some anti histamine for brekkie. Nice.

The countryside found here is mostly pasture with a few horses and sheep dotted around. The road follows the coastline quite closely in places, with view points allowing views over the most amazing coastal outcrops. I stopped at one where the cliff was just there, hanging 35m above rolling surf, gradually being undermined at its foot by the relentless water rolling over it time and time again.

Dry stone walls dot the landscape too, oddly reminiscent of northern England of the far north of Scotland. Only these arent the nest tightly packed products found there; these are just walls made of rocks.

I  stopped for the night just short  of Streaky Bay at a place called Murphy's Haystacks. They're a collection of oddly eroded granites inselberg boulders on a hill and got their name because an Irish agricultural expert decided that farmers who harrowed true land got the best crops. When passing here one day, he noticed the rocks and decided that the farmer must have been very industrious to get such results. Abs as the land was owned by a Mr Murphy, they became known as Murphy's Haystacks.

It's now very windy and even I am getting blown about and I'm low down in a swag. Poor old Gerty got tipped over by the wind too . It was difficult unloading and righting her in the dark in the wind!

So the plan is now to head over the Nullaebor. It's very remote out there but it is the main route to Western Australia so there will be vehicles about. Phone and internet will be sparse I guess so I'll just post as and when I can. I'm heading for Esperence. Don't know how long it will take me but a good few days I reckon. Bye for now.

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