Sunday 16 March 2014

William Creek to Coober Pedy

It pelted down last night, all night. And the wind! Bloody hell. When I woke this morning, I really thought I’d be stuck in William Creek for a few days because the only way in or out by road is the Oodnadatta Track. And that is closed after heavy rain. So I took my time getting sorted and it paid off because the rain stopped, the wind dried the track and I was clear to go.

It was also wonderfully cool. Still about 35º but so much nicer than the temperatures of late. There wasnt much to see en route and I had been told that it would be an easier ride than yesterday. It was but it was also much sandier, which I really hate. 

The road forked not far out of William Creek. I wasnt sure which to take as there were no signs and the map only showed Anna Creek. So I went that way. Wrong. But thend two vehicles came along and as the driver of one was telling me that a new road had bypassed the township, I hear somebody calling ‘ hey Belle - how are you?’ It was a bloke I’m chatted to in the pub last night. Funny. 

What I really love about these remote rides are the little things you see on the way. Comments people have written on signs, things they’ve put there and names of places. Who drives all the way out there to place random stuff? Why do they do it? Is it the same person? Who knows but its funny anyway and keeps me amused.

Despite the difficult riding surface, I reached Coober Pedy by mid afternoon.

Its the opal mining capital of the world and as a mining town is not the most attractive. The approach actually reminded me very much of  the worst place I have ever visited - Mandalgovi in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia, an isolated, desolate place of hard baked earth, scorching temperatures, gers and not much else. But at least Coober has made an effort; the houses are (mostly) neat and well kept, there are trees, shops and a sense of community here. Ok its surrounded by spoil heaps but that’s why the tow exists.

Anyway, I found a campsite, booked on a tour for the morning where they take you around all of the underground stuff - churches, mines, homes, theatres etc. 

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